The Conservative Government has announced the allocations of its £34.6 million Rough Sleeping Initiative, providing up to 4,300 new beds to help rough sleepers off the streets in targeted areas as it support those without homes to find jobs, manage their finances, and access support.
The Rough Sleeping Initiative 2022-25 funding forms just one part of a wider package of support for rough sleepers and falls within the £2 billion the government has committed to spend over 3 years to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping.
The updated total Rough Sleeping Initiative allocation for Trafford is now £237,526 and for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, the updated allocation is £8,837,458.
Commenting on the additional funding, North Trafford Local Conservative campaigner, Jonathan Coupe said “This measure will help get rough sleepers off the streets and support them in rebuilding their lives, finding jobs, and moving forward in Trafford and across Greater Manchester.
One year on from the launch of the Rough Sleeping Strategy, we welcome that the Government remains as committed as ever to ending rough sleeping, which is why it continues to support those without homes to build a better future in Trafford and elsewhere.”